"What garlic is to salad, insanity is to art."
Published on December 13, 2003 By mossedmoon In WinCustomize Talk
Just A thought, but it would be nice to see a holidays section per skin category, something I haven't seen on other sites as well... As I said, just a thought.
on Dec 13, 2003
Alot of the Library's have a Holiday section.

[Message Edited]
on Dec 13, 2003
Yeah you're right - don't know what I was thinking. Guess I'll blame it on a senior moment... Actually quite embarrassing, as I'm hardly ever wrong and even less than that for being so blatantly wrong! I appologise for envolking an edited message.
on Dec 13, 2003
NP, mcackerson

I was going to list everything that had a Holiday section...but it was too much work, hence the edit
on Dec 13, 2003
on Dec 14, 2003


on Dec 14, 2003
See what I mean? And me with an English degree. Guess it's time to go to bed...
on Dec 14, 2003
on Dec 14, 2003
I hate being humbled; long overdue, though...
on Dec 14, 2003
at lest yu dunt speel az badd az mee

...sorry jafo
on Dec 14, 2003

And so you should be....Spell checker

on Dec 14, 2003
on Dec 14, 2003
on Dec 14, 2003
I arise with a fresh mind and know the error of my ways - last night I was browsing for Xmas walls at a few of my preferred art sites and voila! I transposed their lack of a holiday section to wincustomize. I won't site apparent personal conditions that led to such a blunder, I'm way too cool for that , like it's been a stressful season and too much money out of pocket / the base of the tree is choked with presents and a paltry few are mine / our wonderful government raised my property taxes 300% just in time for the Christmas crunch / I'm going to be 53 on Xmas Eve - so it was only proper that I publicly flog myself... EventHorizon - I keep a dictionary, a thesaurus and a rhyming dictionary by the keyboard; I rest my case.